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Proceedings of the ICA
Journal topic
Articles | Volume 1
16 May 2018
 | 16 May 2018

Automatically Generated Vegetation Density Maps with LiDAR Survey for Orienteering Purpose

Dušan Petrovič

Keywords: Orienteering map, LiDAR data, Vegetation map, Application Karttapullatuin

Abstract. The focus of our research was to automatically generate the most adequate vegetation density maps for orienteering purpose. Application Karttapullatuin was used for automated generation of vegetation density maps, which requires LiDAR data to process an automatically generated map. A part of the orienteering map in the area of Kazlje-Tomaj was used to compare the graphical display of vegetation density. With different settings of parameters in the Karttapullautin application we changed the way how vegetation density of automatically generated map was presented, and tried to match it as much as possible with the orienteering map of Kazlje-Tomaj. Comparing more created maps of vegetation density the most suitable parameter settings to automatically generate maps on other areas were proposed, too.

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