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Proceedings of the ICA
Journal topic
Articles | Volume 4
03 Dec 2021
 | 03 Dec 2021

Design of an Atlas of Significant Natural Disasters

Denitsa Siteva and Silvia Marinova

Keywords: atlas, natural disasters, disaster mapping, atlas design

Abstract. Natural disasters change every year, which leads to anomalies and subsequently causing more and more damage. Therefore, it is important that people receive as much information for disasters as possible, in order to be aware of their power and consequences. The clearest way to transmit information about a disaster, before, during and after its occurrence, is to map it. This paper discusses the applicability of atlas mapping, and the process of creating an “Atlas of significant natural disasters, around the world, for 2019”. The Atlas collects, and consolidates historical and up-to-date information on natural disasters around the globe, including tropical cyclones, earthquakes, floods, pandemics and wild fires. By combining this information with data on population and infrastructure, the Atlas provides users with a better understanding of current hazards and their potential impacts.

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