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Proceedings of the ICA
Journal topic
Articles | Volume 4
03 Dec 2021
 | 03 Dec 2021

Overview of the charts representing eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea through centuries and a comparison of Piri Reis symbology usage with an INT 1 content

Ivana Racetin, Majda Ivić, Jelena Kilić, and Katarina Rogulj

Keywords: chart, INT 1, Piri Reis, portolans, topographic content

Abstract. An overview of the charts of the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea is given. It was explained the way Adriatic Sea is spreading in accordance to Mediterranean Sea. Its importance throughout history of Europe was emphasised. Through centuries there were different maps of Europe and Mediterranean Sea. Important graphical representation were also charts/portolans which were a strong help in vessels navigation. In classical period peripluses were drawn and used mostly by Greeks for navigation. Two very famous works representing coast of the Adriatic Sea – Geography of Claudius Ptolemy and Tabula Peutingeriana were explained. Most of the paper is dedicated to portolans and their usage for navigation on eastern Adriatic coast. An overview of most important cartographers of portolans was given. In detail was described Ottoman cartographer of portolans Piri Reis. His symbology usage was analysed and compared to Symbols and abbreviations used on charts (INT 1) content.

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